This was a great listen, I feel the thing about the temptation to be trans Thomas Chatterton Williams. I look forward to the maybe episode about the great books!

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Wide open lane there. Sooooo many podcasts would have you on. :)

I’m a TCW advocate myself, but I understand the hesitance to be that person in the discourse.

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I’m interested to see what he has to say at least! It’s funny cause I have a lot of thoughts about the way we do gender and ways we could do it better, but for the most part I’m not super interested in being the face of that discussion! I’d rather much rather talk about more relevant things, like the political evolution of guys born in the Hoover Administration :)

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The thing is you might say whatever you want about gender but what people hear is "trans folks aren't oppressed". Just like what they hear when tcw speaks is "racism doesn't exist"

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yeah it's a choice to just be horribly misunderstood and misrepresented by legions of people. no fun.

I actually haven't seen his byline in a while. Wonder what he's working on. I kind of hope it's somewhat to the side of the main lane of the race discourse.

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Excited to listen to this - any idea why apple podcasts has replaced it with a random astrology podcast?

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No but I keep forgetting to deal with that. Will do so

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